What do gardener Charlie Dimmock and former Olympic swimmer Duncan
Goodhew have in common? You’re right, it’s definitely not their hair.
In fact the link is that both of their first names are top of Moneysupermarket’s ‘list of shame’ of the names with the most car insurance claims over the past five years.
So, if you’re a woman named Charlie and your partner’s called Duncan, you’d better check you’ve got good car insurance in place…
Nearly a quarter of women drivers (22.8%) called Charlie have made a car insurance claim in the past five years, while just under one in five (19.5%) male motorists called Duncan have made a claim.
But Duncans and Charlies aren’t the only ones to make plenty of claims on their car insurance policies.
Also making it into the top five of the male ‘names with claims’ list of shame are Timothy, Nicholas, Julian and Jeremy, which seems somewhat ironic given that former Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson is renowned for his motoring knowledge.
The remaining four female names which make up the top five most likely to make a claim are Helen, Clare, Lindsay and Carloyn.
“Being involved in an accident, no matter how minor, or whether you’re at fault or not, can be a traumatic and costly experience. Our research shows the average claim value for an ‘at fault’ accident is nearly £3,000, and claiming for either ‘not at fault’ or ‘at fault’ accidents will drive up annual premiums, typically adding around £33 on average.
“We urge all motorists, be their names Tom, Dick or Harry, to take care on the roads – to avoid making claims, and risking the safety of themselves and drivers around them.”
The full list of the top twenty male and female names registering the most motoring claims can be found here:
If your name doesn’t make it onto the above list, don’t assume you can rest on your laurels, especially if you’ve made a claim in the past.
“With so much choice available it pays to spend a small amount of time comparing insurance quotes and getting the best deal for your changed circumstances.”
In fact the link is that both of their first names are top of Moneysupermarket’s ‘list of shame’ of the names with the most car insurance claims over the past five years.
So, if you’re a woman named Charlie and your partner’s called Duncan, you’d better check you’ve got good car insurance in place…
Name shame
MoneySuperMarket analysed more than 11m motor insurance quotes run on the site to come up with the names with the most car insurance claims since 2010.Nearly a quarter of women drivers (22.8%) called Charlie have made a car insurance claim in the past five years, while just under one in five (19.5%) male motorists called Duncan have made a claim.
But Duncans and Charlies aren’t the only ones to make plenty of claims on their car insurance policies.
Also making it into the top five of the male ‘names with claims’ list of shame are Timothy, Nicholas, Julian and Jeremy, which seems somewhat ironic given that former Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson is renowned for his motoring knowledge.
The remaining four female names which make up the top five most likely to make a claim are Helen, Clare, Lindsay and Carloyn.
Accident statistics
Kevin Pratt, insurance expert at MoneySuperMarket, said: “So what’s in a name? When it comes to driving, it seems insurance claims are very much in a name.“Being involved in an accident, no matter how minor, or whether you’re at fault or not, can be a traumatic and costly experience. Our research shows the average claim value for an ‘at fault’ accident is nearly £3,000, and claiming for either ‘not at fault’ or ‘at fault’ accidents will drive up annual premiums, typically adding around £33 on average.
“We urge all motorists, be their names Tom, Dick or Harry, to take care on the roads – to avoid making claims, and risking the safety of themselves and drivers around them.”
The full list of the top twenty male and female names registering the most motoring claims can be found here:
If your name doesn’t make it onto the above list, don’t assume you can rest on your laurels, especially if you’ve made a claim in the past.
Not on the list?
Kevin Pratt said: “Even if your name doesn’t feature in the top 20 Name Claims list, if you’ve had to make a claim on your insurance, it makes it even more vital to shop around for the best deal on your cover at renewal. Insurers all have different ways of pricing based on risk and some might be more lenient than others, especially to win your business.“With so much choice available it pays to spend a small amount of time comparing insurance quotes and getting the best deal for your changed circumstances.”
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